
课程 offered by the 生物学, 化学 and 物理 Department include guided laboratory and small group sessions. Many are available partially or entirely online and in the evening.

生物学 is the study of living organisms. Our experienced faculty offer life science courses from anatomy to zoology. With topics from the gene to the ecosystem, students are exposed to real-world science and career pathways.

State-of-the-art lab equipment enhance laboratory experiences in all disciplines and field work in woodlands adjacent to campus complement environmental studies.

化学 is a practical and theoretical science concerned with the composition, properties and structure of matter and the changes associated with chemical reactions.

教师 members are personally dedicated to providing undergraduate education from a modern viewpoint. Some courses provide an interdisciplinary approach to the study of chemistry.

物理 is concerned with developing a range of analytical and practical skills in students. Field experiences and observational activities are available in selected courses.

From astronomy to geology, algebra-based physics through calculus-based physics IV and a number of technical and applied physics offerings, the department provides a full range of courses in undergraduate physics and related disciplines.

Get in Touch

Department or program information:

Michael Shea, Ph.D.
Science Center, Suite 319

Program admission information:

Guenther Enrollment 服务 Center, Room 223